SUT+ 2024 – Coleraine 20-22 August 2024

SUT 2024 is a suite of summer training events for student officers in USI and NUS-USI member Students’ Unions. The objectives of the training are:

  • Deliver critical skills for new incoming officers
  • Provide the tools for advice and service delivery by student officers in SUs
  • Provide opportunities to share good practice and experience between SUs
  • Provide space and opportunities to network and engage other SUs


The timetable will be here in due course.

You should arrange to be on site at 2pm on Tuesday and should plan to leave soon after 4pm on the Thursday

Feedback for SUT 2024

We want to know what you thought about SUT 2024 in Tralee.  Please fill in the feedback form and we’ll keep trying to improve what we do.


What do we do at SUT+?

On Day 1 there will be a welcome and some training sessions like SUT. On Day 2 we have the Ballybreag SU simulation exercise, which is designed to put you to the test applying the principles you learned at SUT.  On day 3 there will be sessions and a meeting of Comhairle Náisiúnta.

Food and Sleep

SUT+ is a fully catered event. We’ll have breakfast, lunch and dinner at the college.

Halal meat, vegan, vegetarian and gluten free options will be available at the meals in the Canteen. 

SUT+ is also a fully accommodated event. We’ve booked student accommodation and you’ll be sharing with other SU officers.


Registering for the event books you in, and you’ll get acknowledgement emails and more information closer to the time.

The cost of SUT and SUT+ together is €400 per officer.

What is SUT+?

SUT+ is a major simulation exercise designed to expose you to real issues, challenges and complex situations in a safe, supportive, reflective environment. It’ll take place in August in Ulster University, Coleraine, Co. Antrim.  There’ll be more information about that after SUT in Tralee.

What should I bring?
  • Comfortable clothes for classroom training and outdoor exercises
  • Outdoor sports gear for a special event we’re not allowed to tell anyone about yet
  • If you’re planning to go swimming, swimming clothes. Please.
  • Nightwear, as in ‘pyjamas’, because you’ll be sharing a house
  • Any medication you rely on for your wellbeing
  • A can-do, want-to-share attitude
How should I prepare?
  • Find out as much about how your SU works, because it’s useful to know so you can share knowledge with your colleagues from other SUs
  • Do the Political Compass Test.
  • You don’t need to print it out or anything like that – but it will be brought up by your Ethos Coach and it’s great to compare notes
  • Read the Code of Conduct. It’s in place for this event.